According to my voice memo app, this recording, titled “Vertigo,” was saved to my phone on May 12, 2018.
About six months ago, fumbling around for content, I uploaded the recording to a Substack draft, thinking I would pair it with a brief note on context — a kind of apologetic liner note — based on the belief that I didn’t think the recording could stand on its own as a “piece of music.” For what it’s worth, I still believe that. It certainly wasn’t recorded with the intent of being a “piece of music.” It is not “polished.”
But — that original post is now around 3,500 words and still incomplete. I don’t know what to do with it, and I doubt it makes sense to publish on The Happy Few. In the meantime, in keeping with this no-news newsletter’s whimsical, desultory, frivolous, and foppish spirit, I figured I’d go ahead and post “Vertigo,” sans apologetic liner note.
I’m using Soundcloud because it seems like the best option for embedding purposes. That may be a mistake, I don’t know; Substack won’t allow Bandcamp to embed.